New York has the "NYS Cable Commission"...possibly this is where that rule came from...don't know, never heard of it until your posting. I just remember that the NYSCC was feared more than the FCC and the IRS! They were more for the consumer and had rules above and beyond the FCC.
Petergunn is right on the pay adjustments. Hazard pay is many times an option with concrete proof of its tower pay. Night work is many times adjusted. Some places you can "rent-a-cop" or security for minimal money.
I remember fighting for my on-call guy's to carry cellulars back 15 years ago in Los Angeles. Los Angeles was bad at night...but it is Disneyland compared to New York City!!!
Good Luck!!!!!
> hey i agree it sucks and have asked for more money only to be told no, with the way things are out there we really have no choice. wish i could fight the law maybe when enough of us get killed ,crippled ,or shot they will reconsider this stupid fu__in law.
> archer