> > I have been screwed by 2 Orius owned companies. The biggest screwing was by Jim Seabolt with Signal Images on the Corpus Christi Job. Do Not work for these people, they will screw you, and Seabolt loves doing it. I can give you all the examples you want.
> >
> > > Can someone please tell me what is wrong with this company? I know a lot of guys that work for them that just keep getting screwed. Where did they find the people that run the place?
> > > i worked for this company (orius) for over a year they make to many promises to there employes and get there hopes up for better things to come then they screw you with out any (ky)they lie to all of there employes this company as a very bad managment problem. they tell there employes what they want them to beleave.so i ask that nobody go to work for this company unless u like to get screwd.