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Re: I'd Like Your Opinion----->

I am as furious today as I was in September. We must not stop until this filth is irradicated from the planet.

I don't hear too many people discuss it much anymore but I still watch CNN every spare minute. We as Americans must stay aware of this ever present threat.

This filth could be your next door neighbor or pumping your gas or whatever. And if you've ever seen their training videos you'd be the first one in line for self-defense class or to buy a gun if you don't already own one. The point is that this filth is bred to hate the west and our ideals.

It's also pretty obvious that civilians seem to be a priority target. Probably because we dont walk around our streets with uzi's or rocket launchers.

We as civilians need to be ready for anything and our military should show no mercy while we deliver justice to their front doors.(Caves)

Glad to see others have not forgotten.

God Bless America!


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