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Hey there Butch!!

Don't know why, but I sent you an email at that addy and it kicked back to me. Hit me with an email at: (-REDACTED-) and then I'll be able to just 'reply' to it. That should make it easy for me to find ya...

Meanwhile, I'm feeling pretty good for the most part. In and out of pain here and there, but the docs got lots of pain-killers, ya know, so it's not too bad. Doing the chemo thing lately, and laying up at the shack a lot, cause between it and all the pain killers, it keeps me pretty tired.

I put an online cancer journal on my web site so friends and family can keep track of what's going on and how I'm doing, so you can always check that to see what's up with this little beast that grabbed me by the boo boo! LOL!

It's at:
Must be nice to be back home, eh? Wish I was in Florida too, instead of Michigan!

Hit me with that email man! Later,


> Hey Pyson
> Been along time. Hope this finds you in good spirits. Would like to keep in touch. I'm working for Knight Interprise at home in FL. Drop me a line or two my e-mail address is kb, (-REDACTED-) .
> talk at you latter
> Butch
This is posting #62143. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Buckster by luckyButcher
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