You sound like an honest man, it's refreshing, there are very few in this business. I wish you much luck in the years ahead. I am not a religous person ( lean more toward Buddism ) so let ones karma come full circle and get what they deserve in this life or the next.
>I feel very confident in answering this out of line posting. My guess is you might be one of the sub-standard subs that helped me lose my money in the first place, along with dis-honest primes that change spec to suit their pocket books. It is no secret that I lost 35,000 this year, which is enough to bring down most anybody. The only thing that has kept me feeding my family is the fact I work in the field and my Faith in God. Until this last job we ran into, I have been burned by almost every Prime (Except 2)that we worked for in some way, and unfortunately, the dance has ended here. I currently have only two names that I would even mention of individual Prime Contractors that I could entrust to work with again, one which I am working with now. The majority of the subs that worked for me have been honest and do good work. I took my first hit being unpaid for honest work done in an area that we had good subs in. 25,000 was no joke, I pushed on, even going to bat behind the desk and in the courtroom to fix that one. It is still a pain that is felt. The second most likely in an area where things were a little less controlled, I made the mistake of paying out more money than what was to ever enter my hand again due to the work at hand. A few subs took advantage of some trust that my onsite supervisor and I even might have overlooked, thinking that their work was credible. I chalk these up as hard lessons learned. More or less, money ran out. I learned more about the rotten side of how the cable business can rip you up then I ever wanted to know. I am just plowing forward, which anyone should do. I am 50,000 more in debt than before, but 50,000 smarter. If you are at all worthy of being paid something owed, Im sure you would have better things to do with your time then waste them on posting ramblings. If you did honest work, then you would know if you actually called to talk to me, as a man would, that you would be paid one way or another, even if it was out of my own check in time. I am in the field working unlike how things were ran before, which I feel is more gratifying, and I can see the quality being done with my own eyes. As you should know, I no longer run a 2 supervisor, 32 man crew, its just me and a helper, and some loyal workers that are left out of the carnage play that has made me second guess this business. I leave the rest in Gods hands, and if you feel this is really a honest debt owed for work actually passing QC, then your approach is very unbecoming. All you need to do is call rather then decrease your chances of getting paid. My number has not changed all year. Has yours? As far as bringing a lawyer to the table. I cant fathom someone possibly having the amount of money owed to need one, especially from me, not even by a fraction of what I am STILL fighting for in court, that has yet to be paid to me.. I have nothing virtually left, assetts are absorbed into a now unpaid credit-line. Good Luck with your case. Work has been slow, and I havent seen a check over 1000 in quite a while due to the end of the season slow-ups. I believe the last reasonable invoice was 4000 for 5 people. Ouch. I have made a move on any debts out, and seeing a post like this makes me cringe due the reasoning behind it. If there is any legitamacy to this, then I would more than work with you. But, I think of the unmoderated discussion forums like a bathroom wall in the way that most people use it when not needed. I think that is probably what the majority would say as well. I feel I have been had several times from many people, but never even thought of being small enough to start running a much of their name. Again, I wish you luck on your venture. I dont frequent this place due to how people get bashed in here, even when you meet them and know their story is otherwise, you still have some wise-cracker that will start yelling about money owed, meanwhile hacking their way to their next paycheck. Since you didnt leave a name, you must not feel confident in your definition posted here, but please call if you feel otherwise. I am more than straight forward, and will listen to anything you got to say. You may even come to my house while my wife cooks dinner, as I have nothing to avoid and we can discuss this further.
>P.S. I am doing the right thing, the best as a man of bad circumstance can., but only by God will I succeed.
>God Bless
>Same Phone As Always
>Same Address As Always
Member #: 13444
Registered: 1996-2001
Brian Farmer
Brian Farmer
Other duties as assigned
Where ever they need me
~41 years
Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Winston Churchill
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