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Re:whats the use

Quit whinning, Buckster explained it very well. Save a little of your money when times are good to subsidise your own standard of living when times are bad. Don't blame everyone else for your problems, stand up and take responsibility. This business did the same thing back in the late eighties and it weeded out a lot of the wannabe's.
>this site sucks anymore for splicers we are not needed if were are needed we are not appreciated at all pay is just not enough quality doesnt matter all that matters is who kisses better ass to the worthless looters who are getting the prime contract and shitten all over sub-contractors ////who cares i say fuck you sorry primes you dont know the value of a qaulity splicer why dont you bastards go rob a bank they can afford it
Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Winston Churchill
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Posted in reply to: whats the use by johngalt
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Re:whats the use rpmcomm 2/5/2002 4:59:00 AM