Re:Looking for sweep techs for upcoming project
>We are looking to add one sweep tech to our core group , But we are also looking for subs for an upcoming project . Applicants must be able to troubleshoot and splice , Be a self starter ,and above all be reliable . we are a company that takes pride in our work . You must also have the ability to pass a drug screen . If you and/ or your crew are not responsible , clean-cut persons of high integrity please do not waste our time or yours
> Sound like the kind of company I would like to sub for. I am drug and alcohol free and the other guy I work with drinks a little beer every once in a while. Together we have 20 years of sweep experience, and there isn't a node that we can't sweep or repair unless it is bad cable that needs to be replaced. Please contact me at (-REDACTED-) , or call 931-362-4384 and ask for Randy. I would also like to find out a little more about the job, or email me with a phone number and I will call you back.
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Posted in reply to: Looking for sweep techs for upcoming project by BRC1
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