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Re:Watch Out for BlackBull419 AKA O'Connor Const.!!!!!

You are 100% right intel they been screwing me for years
its about time they get a little sex

>The Federal Government has been screwing people forever! IMO they need to start being screwed! Tired of the redistribution of my money to people not willing to work!
>>I posted in the past to watch out for him as he held $750.00 of my money and claimed it was for room yet in his ad I replied to said he paid room. Well here is a new LOW down on him. He DID NOT pay the taxes on that $750.00 so he screwed me and the Federal Government!! Now do you want to work for someone like this or have him contracting from your company?? I think we all know the answer to this.
This is posting #61009. Tiny Link:
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