25 a day is all you average, well not to knock you but i'v put in 50 a day average, in 20 degree weather. But you do have a good price.
>I need one person to help with VGR's. Project is in MD just south of DC. 700-1000 to do. 2-4 week project.
>Up to 3% rear easement on a few nodes (10 to do). All poles, all rural, 90% bucket access, no UG. No moulding. Staples every 18".
>5/8 X 8' rods buried 3-6" at bottom of pole. I Average 25/day 7-8 hrs. Bill completed VGR's on Wednesday, get paid Friday (3 days). Your truck, your hooks, your pounder, my insurance. 15.00/VGR. Start Monday. Possibly more after that. Good gig for local person. Something to do while your waiting for the next big project.
>Call Mark if interested 303-916-4169