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What a merry christmas cant believe it myself.

I got up 12/25/01 like I do every morning put on some breakfast,Started some coffee, And reading the local newspaper. My wife wakes up and says to me I forgot to grab some milk for our daughter last night, Wuould you run and get some? I told her yes just look after the food cooking, She replied no problem. And she hands me her keys Insted of mine,I didnt think much about It, So I return from the store and she had breakfast ready and served, my daughter was at the table and eating and that never happens. she Is one of them children that you got to stand over and make sure she Is eating and not playing. By now my wife says do you now whos truck Is In front of or house? I looked out front and there Is a red kenworth out side I told her no, I have never seen It before but who ever owns It better move It they might get a ticket for parking It there. She then tossed me a set of keys that were mine and there was a key on the ring I never seen before with the logo K/W. I looked at her and she smiled at me and said honey the truck Is yours, You dont have to keep It If you dont want to, I found you a contract hauling cars from dealer to dealer you will recieve $1.00 a mile loaded or empty the pay one week after Invioce and your home every weekend and three nights a week. You will get blue cross & blue shield for the family.And taxes taken out of your check. At this I am shocked I do have a CDL and work sucks I do remember the days a cable splicer could go out and make $300.00 to $500.00 a day but then when I look back I am also living In a hotel and drinking at the bar. Yes the life of a cable tv contractor It has It good times and Its bad, But now It just seems all bad. I mean look In the unmoderated section, All you see Is so & so dont pay, So & so out of work Inless you are In there click, Fuc- you charlie brown your an as-hole. With this fellows I bid the cable world and all of Its hard working contractors good luck and God Bless you all, I am done In the cable world I will stop by every now and then to say whats up and see who is fuc-ing who.
This is posting #57187. Tiny Link:
There are 8 replies to this message
Re:What a merry christmas cant believe it myself. kid,cable 12/31/2001 9:32:00 PM
Re:What a merry christmas cant believe it myself. william baker 12/29/2001 6:09:00 PM
Re:What a merry christmas cant believe it myself. century machine 12/28/2001 9:47:00 AM
Re:What a merry christmas cant believe it myself. TBLSPEED 12/27/2001 6:07:00 PM
Re:What a merry christmas cant believe it myself. Splicer Life 4me 12/26/2001 7:38:00 PM
Re:What a merry christmas cant believe it myself. Cablepsyco 12/26/2001 1:46:00 PM
Re:What a merry christmas cant believe it myself. HDFATBOY 12/26/2001 12:39:00 PM