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One and only response from Venturino & Associates

Larry and J.C.,

I'm responding to both of your postings individually in this reply. As with all situations of this type, there are two sides with different views of the events in question. I will only make this one response within this forum to facilitate a resolution, or to present our side of the issues.

First of all please accept my apologies for any lack of attention to detail on our part that has led to your current situation. However, the lack of communication and follow-up is a two way street. Apparently you are unaware of the fact that this 4-day box swap was only completed on October 7th, almost 8 weeks ago and not 12-14 as you claim, and we still HAVE NOT received an invoice from your office. We have asked for an invoice and a copy of your W9 tax form at least twice that I know of. We have the same problems contacting your staff that you claim to have with ours. Once we receive the proper paper work we will be able to issue your check. Larry, your staff has both of my cell phone numbers. If this matter was a big enough issue to blast our company and it's employees by name on the "Bar", why have'nt you ever tried calling me to discuss it. I've never received a phone call or voice mail from you. Hopefully, we can resolve this issue and repair our damaged relationship. Call me if you would like to discuss this further.

I'm not surprised that you would respond with your attempt at revenge. The incomplete information contained in your charges regarding your mapping in Oregon, is indicative of the errors and ommissions on your maps. Yes, we did praise your work initially, because like a repainted used car, on the surface your maps looked good, but underneath they were full of rust and hidden defects. The majority of your company's maps were rejected by the client's CAD and Design department and sent back to you for corrections. You sent someone back to Oregon who spent one weekend fixing those maps. When the "corrected" maps were once again rejected by the client you were reluctant to accept responsibilty for further mistakes or corrections. Due to the your attitude and the delays caused by these maps we were forced to send one of our staff to fix your work. Our man devoted almost two weeks to fixing the same information that your QC man spent one weekend on. As stated in our contract, the cost of this procedure was your responsibility. Our costs incurred in fixing your work actually exceeded your retainer amount. The contract provides us with the remedy of billing you for the excess amount, which up to now we have chosen not to do. I'm sure you still view these events from your perspective and that you may not agree with our side of the story. As I stated above, I will make this one response within this forum to present the facts as we see them. However, copies of your defective maps, along with the extensive amount of faxes and e-mails we received from HLG Engineering regarding those maps, are available for you or any other interested parties to review.

As to your claims regarding other companies, The other company on the Oregon project with you is still awaiting their final payment. This is because we are still awaiting final payment from HLG. Due to the economic climate at the time of this project, and the number of companies that were going under or defaulting on their payments, you all agreed to a clause making payment conditional upon payment by our client, HLG Engineering. Our bank is pursuing collection efforts against HLG at this time. If and when payment is received, all outstanding valid accounts will be paid.

To anyone reading this exchange, I will present the following information for your consideration. Throughout this and past years many contractors have worked for us without pay problems. However, with the lack of work, slow payments from some of our clients and reduced profits as a result of the low pay for the available work, we did have a severe cash flow shortage earlier this year. We tapped all of our personal assets, and managed ride a very bumpy road, to be able to stay in business. But I'm sorry to admit that there are three contractors to whom we still owe back pay, for work earlier this year. Their work was not an issue and we freely admit our responsibility to pay all amounts owed. In all other projects past and present we are current on all properly submitted invoices. This last quarter, has brought a slow improvement in our business as a result of diversifing into other areas of our industry. We are having a slow but steady growth that has created a modest but steady increase in our available cash flow. We have recently been able to begin catching up on payments to contractors and vendors alike, without jeopardizing any of our current business relationships. To those contractors and vendors we thank you for your patience and promise a full return on that patience within the next few months. We are working through our past difficulties, and our current work, along with some exciting projects already identified on the immediate horizon, provides us with the confidence that before long these growing pains will be an unhappy, but distant memory. I know some of our problems were beyond our control, but we made mistakes that contributed as well. We've learned some valuable lessons this past year. Dealing with these situations has made us a stronger, more versatile company. We're excited about our future, and invite you share a piece of yours with us.

Venturino & Associates Inc.
(989) 845-7745

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Posted in reply to: WATCH OUT For VENTURINO & ASSOCIATES by Winkey
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