Hello FIBERLOVER!, I have just spent an entire hour going throu the basics of Sweep work at the bar here but when I went to post it I lost the reply because I had to sign in again!! I don't know if it is me or this cheap website. It has happened to me before several times. I wrote and complained about it before. any way if you click on my handle it will give you my home and cell numbers. If you are interested I would be happy to tell you more about it any time. Right now I can no longer type that letter again for you because my fingers feel like they stayed out all night long drinking and dancing. I don't mean no two-stepping either!! I will tell you this tho-I averaged 13,000 dollars per month last year. It is not easy to learn, BUT if you like cable and have ambition, integrity, with a desire to pay your dues then it is easily attainable. I will offer to help all I can. You will be doing me a favor also by allowing me the opportunity to give a little back for the much that has been given me. I wish you good health so you may enjoy the good fortune that will definitely come your way from your willingness to ask when you don't know, be gracioous about what you do know, never use what you what you do know to degrade or suppress another.
Member #: 8711
Registered: 1996-2001
Tim Petersen
Tim Petersen
Performance Profiling
Sweep & Splice Technician
Where the Iowa River meets the Mississippi River
mid 60s
~41 years
Where there are no alternatives, there is no problem...Petergunn Lookstwice-2001.
This is CABL.com posting #55138. Tiny Link: cabl.co/movu
Posted in reply to: WHAT IS SWEEP? by FIBERLOVER
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