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Re:You back again dipshit (CBL dipshit)

Are you taking this guys side because he is small compared to ATT? That is the kind of left-wing thinking that is going to doom this country! In a market driven economy people are not going to be guaranteed work. The strong (and intelligent) survive, while those that are being carried by the strong are going to be left crying in thier PBR. In other words, ATT did not become the behometh it is by following poor business practices (like carrying dead-weight contractors).
There is a common thread among those who are bitching about ATT. They can not spell to save thier lives. If you cant even spell simple words, How the fuck do you expect to be able to run a business. Take care of yourself instead of expecting others to take care of you. And take some Continuing education courses for Christ's sake.

>Hey, back-off, AT&T has fucked alot of folks in the business lately. Them bastards have pulled so much shit in the last in the year (in name of good business) that anyone fliping them shit probable has good reason. Maybe you have been one of the few that were unaffected,so many were. Them sons-bitches have come to cableland like a bunch of carpetbager wanting the big profits at all costs. They would eat there owe young for a buck. To defend a corporation from the small contractor takes the balls of turning in your own folks to the nazi's. I hope the corporate structure never falls on top of your house>
This is posting #53658. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re:You back again dipshit (CBL dipshit) by specsplicer
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Re:You back again dipshit (CBL dipshit) DSBSinc 11/6/2001 8:25:00 PM