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Go for it Buck!
Mr. Super Trunker, You should use your actual name when posting somthing scurrilous.You may in fact be a good splicer, but using this forum to air your issues with Mastec is not a very professional thing to do.What is to stop anyone from badmouthing you in the same way.I'm sure you wouldn't like it.I worked for a company for the last few years that is not an actual cable unit. They are mostly engineer type folks. Their opinon of us cable folks is not very high because of the unprofessional behavior that your posting is a good example of.I find the attacks that some people post on the bar to be embarrasing and feel they make us all look bad.I've known Buck for longer than most and have never known him to screw anyone (over work).
Have a good one.

>>OK,Buckster! Let's get down to the real truth here now.<
>Good idea, Tony.
>>To start with, I'm the best splicer YOU'LL ever know!<
>That's questionable, and at best subjective.
>>Comcast told me that I did the best work on your job. That says alot,especially when you had 30 splicers(or so-called).<
>They told all of them the same thing. The word "gutless" comes to mind.
>>The only decent run I had on that job was given to me by another splicer not YOU.<
>And I TOLD you it was other hack's cleanup. Did you expect something better than that? Get a grip.
>>I tried to help you guys with your hackers clean-up but I guess you wanted it done for free.<
>I don't CARE how it gets done OR what the price is. MY job is just to get it DONE. I didn't sign your contract. I didn't ask you to sign it. I wasn't even there, so how is it my fault that you got prices that you feel are too low?
>>(Must of been alot of pay-offs)<
>Not to me. I'm honest and clean as a whistle, pal. I dare you to try and show any kind of payoffs to me on any job sites I've been on or involved with.
>>You and Richard promised my money on my next check but it wasnt there.<
>I made NO promises that I couldn't keep. I have NO control over payroll. I have NO control over invoices. I have NO control over any promises that ANYONE else made to you.
>>I had no problem helping you but Im not a sucker that works for free.<
>I never expected you to. Funny how a newbie that's been in the biz 6 months doing the same shit work you were doing has been taking home over a thousand dollars a week EVERY week. A newbie out-invoiced you consistently. What's up with that? For free? Maybe you just need to get out there and DO some work?
>>I never even got the money owed to me from my first invoice but your boys got my money.<
>MY boys? And what boys would they be? And HOW exactly do you think I did anything with YOUR invoices to change anything so that you lost out? You're imagining things. Again, I have NO CONTROL over any of that stuff.
>>I would have stayed if I would have just got paid what was honestly due to me.<
>Again, NOT my fault. I have NO CONTROL over any of that stuff. Is ANY of this sinking in?
>>Now you wouldnt work all day and not get paid,would you?<
>Of course not, Tony. And I never asked you to either.
>>You and Richard cost me half a days work trying to straighten out your paper work trail.<
>You refused to go out to work. That's your perrogative. You're a sub. You can come and go as you please. We didn't hold you down in the office while we went over your paperwork. You had already detailed the problems with it and we were working on it for you. There was no reason for you not to go out to work. You refused to go to work several days. It's no wonder you couldn't make any money.
>>Then you wanted me to sit another day.<
>Pardon me? I don't recall EVER asking you to sit in the office and go over paperwork. On the contrary, I was always asking you if you were going to go OUT to the field to work. Half the time, you didn't.
>>Why should I have to help you and Richard do the job that your paid for to start with?<
>I never asked you to. And my job, by the way, is not spending all damn day trying to figure out where your invoicing went wrong when it was corporate that did the work on it. I did it to try to help you. You're welcome.
>>Maybe if you would have gotten off your tail and left the office to do ride-out or check on your men that make your money,instead of playing on the computer all day these wouldnt even be issues.<
>Oh, yeah... I was really "playing" on the computer all day, huh? You don't have a clue what's expected these days out of a job site do you? It's all spreadsheets and memos and reports and crap. It happens on a computer. And as a matter of fact I STILL get out to the field enough to take hundreds of photos as documentation, deal with irate homeowners and even pick up spans of wreck-out that are in the back of my truck right this minute. Where was I when we did node 13? Where was I when we did node 8? Yeah, in the field with you. Remember? I was the guy that gave you the plan to keep the power up in node 8 North of the freeway. I WISH I could spend ALL day in the field. Unfortunately, it doesn't get the REST of MY JOB done.
>>You know I cut trunk amps for free for you,I was back-charged twice for the same items that YOU never even gave me a chance to correct.<
>I TOLD you that that was MY screwup. I told you HOW it happened. I OFFERED to pay you out of MY POCKET for it. The company wouldn't have re-imbursed me for that. What the hell else do you want from me?
>>They were not even my fault.<
>That's WHY I offered to pay you out of MY POCKET. DAMN!!
>>You couldnt even read the prints. Remember "this blur is a little different from this blur" your comments exactly.<
>No, YOU couldn't read the prints. I can make them out just fine. I CAN tell an LE from a MB single. YOU can't. Remeber? That's what the problem with the 2 amps was. You cut in 2 LE's where the print calls for 2 MB single AMPS. Burs on the prints? Yes... Shitty prints. Are you the only one that's had to deal with them? NO. Everybody else worked through it. If you had a problem with it, maybe you should have asked someone instead of just assuming they were LE's BEFORE you cut them in.
>>I paid your in-house to fix it and they charged me for it but never done the job.<
>Ummm... it's done, isn't it?
>>I guess they didnt want to climb a pole.<
>Yeah, there's a lot of that going on in the industry these days. I think it's total bullshit, but there it is.
>>So I guess you nursed them.<
>I guess not. For each of those locations you think I LET them get away with, I can show you a dozen where they didn't. What's your point? At least they went out to work.
>>I took pictures of those locations and had them sealed and dated. So I have proof you guys are crooks.<
>How's that? Crooks? Tell me HOW I'm a crook. Go ahead. Spell it out.
>>I came out there to make a little money and you guys took advantage of one of the most honest and best splicers in the industry.<
>Remind me again. Didn't I TELL you the day you got there that it's a bunch of cleanup left by hacks that are long gone? Hello? How's your memory? WHEN did I ever tell you that this was a job where you'd make a good living? When did I EVER tell you to stick around for the good running that's to come? WHEN did I ever mislead you about any of it? WHEN did I ever tell you to PLEASE COME TO THIS JOB, or PLEASE DON'T LEAVE?
>>Then you forced me home BROKE!<
>I never forced you anywhere dude. Last time I heard from you, you were headed to Knoxville to be assigned forward production work. That action came from me and Richard Brown pleading the case that some really good splicers were going to take a hike if we don't get them OFF the cleanup in Harriman. Next thing I heard, you never even got lined out. You just left. Sounds more like you left on your own, rather than me forcing you to do ANYTHING.
>>I take great pride in perfecting my work unlike most hackers in this business that are just after a quick BUCK!<
>Your work shows it too. You're a good splicer.
>>You know very well that you knocked a good man down.<
>Let me try this one more time. I don't have ANY CONTROL over your invoicing, payroll, money, checks, backcharges or any of that stuff. I just assign the work to whomever is there that's willing to do it. I make out my truck reports and my mileage reports and answer memos and phone calls and attend endless meetings with the customer and the people that pay me. When I get a chance, I get out to the field, usually because I have to deal with some minor disaster. HOW exactly do you see your problems with pay at all MY fault?
>>Ill say that your job has to be one of the worst experiences in CATV!<
>Well, you ain't alone there. I'm not having a very good time either. Personally, I'm thinking about a bumper sticker that says, "Happiness is Harriman in the rear view mirror". Still, it's NOT my fault. I'm just here cleaning up a mess that developed before I ever knew Harriman, TN even existed.
>>You guys still owe me alot of money that I worked hard for.<
>"You guys." Interesting way to put that. Do I have a Mastec checking account? Do I authorize invoices to be paid? Do I have ANYTHING at all to do with any of the money? No. None. Nada. Zip. What, EXACTLY, would you like me, personally, to do?
>>That job was minimum wage in cable to start with.<
>And you stayed for months. My fault?
>>Karma will come around. You might not believe it but Ive seen it happen over and over.<
>Me too.
>>I know how much each one of you like to point the finger at someone else and blame them for the mistakes,Its always someone elses fault isnt it?<
>All I can tell you is that I have NO CONTROL over your invoing and pay. What part of that don't you get?
>>I dont see how you ever became a project supervisor. I guess it took alot of ASS KISSING!!<
>No, Tony. All it took was 23 years dealing with hacks and their shit, bailing out other supervisors that didn't have a clue, getting to the real problems and solving them, being fair about everything and not giving the best work out to my friends, etc, etc, etc.
>>Buck,remember when you told me that you guess youll have to go OVER Richard Browns head to get something done about it? There was other witnesses there,you know! I guess that was BS,huh?<
>I said that IF Richard didn't deal with your situation, I WOULD go over his head to get a resolution, if necessary. As Richard DID deal with it, there was never any need for me to do that.
>Maybe your memory is just slipping gears a little. Did you ever straighten out that little "problem" that was discovered in your truck by the D.O.T.? You know... the one in the little baggie?
>Whenever you'd like to return to reality, just let me know.
This is posting #51919. Tiny Link:
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