I believe in the concept of freedom that was concieved by the
founding fathers of this great country. I have lived my life in libety and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom was bought for me by my forefathers. All I can ask is that my government
please remember that my forefathers died in foreign lands and
brought democracy to those lands. So please bring freedom of election and choice to the lands that you choose to attack in the wake of our mourning of the events of 9-11-01 please do not sacrifice the lives of my sons and allow dictators or kings and Queens to rule the lands where you would have them spill their blood. Politicians must be made to understand that as a Americans we are all appalled by the events that have occured. We as Americans seek vindication. But no one should agree to give up one loved one to put a dictator or king in power anywhere in the world. If America is about democracy and freedom than don't risks the lives of my sons
without offering the same to the people you would have them liberate.
Any patriotic responses welcome
American Cable Worker
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