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Re:Cecile Mcmillen or Cecile Cressonie........Better known as "Sissy"

O.k. Let me get this straight.You make this sound as if you you were not ever an owner with I.M.T.Also in your statement you metioned that IFS was owned by three partners.We both know you were the one who started that company while in Trademarks doors.One of those partners you screwed over.Remember the fellow in Ohio?Wonder why IFS is no longer in the business?You say I was not any help but who was the one working 7 days and nights a week doing the drafting and Q.C. Work.Sure was not you.You can't draft or Q.C.You were always on the phone,Putting on an act like you knew everything about construction.When you knew nothing.Trying to drum up construction contracts when the only business we were designed to do was to do the drafting and walkout services.
Now lets talk about the money issues!For one you always had the checkbook w/ you.I never had control over any money.I rarely ever got a paycheck through most of this venture.I really don't understand where you come up with the idea that you started this business w/ your money.The whole reason we are even where we are now is because the money we were using was financed through my hometown banks.One of which you left an unpaid debt with,but ran off with all of the office supplies.You would have never gotten the money without my signature alongside yours.So I relly don't understand where this "MY MONEY"comes from?
To put things into perspective as far as your comment"
You want to put this dirt on here because I dumped you".>>>This is far from the truth.This has been almost two years ago.You try to make this sound as if it happen yesterday.I am ready to be happily married and am not here to express any inmature feelings.I just want my money!I hope no one else falls victim to your business practices you have used in the past! AND PLEASE QUIT TRYING TO PULL THE WOOL OVER THESE PEOPLES EYES HERE ON THE BAR!!!!!!!!

>You are so full of it. IMT is owned and operated by Tom McMillen
>IFS was a company owned by 3 partner. Which are no longer in the business. Let me here from someone who was wronged by either two of these.
> Just Trademark was mine....oh yea and yours. I closed it because you were no help...All you did was spend money. Now you have to work and you don’t like that.
>You want to put this dirt on here because I dumped you.
>Oh and another thing MY money started Trademark. You put nothing in.
>Cheyenne Frontier Comm Is Brett’s company.
>My lawyer will see this today.
>Sissy McMillen
>>I'm curious?How many of you out there have done business with this individual?If you have,I would like to hear from you.Feel free to respond right here on the bar and/or email me >>>>>>>>>>> (-REDACTED-) " target="_blank">http:// (-REDACTED-) I know
>>she does not keep a business name for very long,but maybe some of these will be helpfull.>>>International Mapping Technologies,Trademark Engineering Inc,and IFS.I think now maybe Cheyene Frontier Comm,Inc.Who knows how many I may have missed?Apologize if I have.
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