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Re:Say what you want to say, spread rumors and believe what you like.......

Markie, could you be a tad more specific?

>I don't know who any of you are, but quit trying to act like your educated, because your stupidity is showing. Give us all a break!!!
>>truth: The state of being the case; Fact. The body of real things, events and facts. Tisk tisk... What you stated was fantasy. Note the difference, Fantasy: The process of creating especially unrealistic or improbable images, in response to pshycological need.
>>This post does not seek nor require a response.
>>>Just a quick "thank you" for reminding me to change my info!
>>>As for the "Negative" comments......
>>>I have already stated the "truth" and my piece.
>>>I have nothing more to say......
>>>>Mr. Pickerl,,
>>>>I would like to take this time to tell you what I feel about your postings.
>>>>This site was not made for whiners and cry babies such as yourself.
>>>>This is the first negative posting I have ever done. But for you to slam a company Like Daniel Utility and then to keep them on your address header is a damn shame. Daniel Utility is a good company. Please remove your Email info from the bar.
>>>>You have stated that you are retiring,,,,Please do and go away.
>>>>This site is dedicated to the working CATV pro. You have retired, Please Leave!!!!!!!
>>>>We do not care about your BS on WetCement,dont bring it here.
>>>>My name is Murray Williams and my email is
>>>> (-REDACTED-) for all replies
>>>>Thanks and have a great day
>>>>>This site was not made to soread lies, Rumors and slander people. I'm sure it was made for positive influence on the CATV / Broadband industry.
>>>>>Those of you that wish to continue this little game are the type of people that will destroy good, honest people and sites like this one!
>>>>>I myself have told my side of the situation. I have defended myself against people that I do not need to defend myself against. Your opinions & rumors do not matter.
>>>>>I will no longer be part of creating a bad influence on this site!
>>>>>If you so chose to continue this game here that is your choice.
>>>>>I welcome those of you that wish to continue slamming, bashing, roasting me. To email me directly if you like.
>>>>>Or call me long distance.
>>>>>To those of you that have had to listen to this garbage that have had nothing to do with it, I appologize for any disruption I may have caused.
>>>>>I am done with it here.
>>>>>I've stated the FACTS!
>>>>>Have a great one!
>>>>>Mark A. Pickrell (501) 330-1962
This is posting #48863. Tiny Link:
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