Lemco doubles the life of scrapers on the Y-190 Center Conductor Cleaner. Doubling the life reduces the cost by half, while maintaining total respect for the copper coating.....guaranteed. We want you to see how we did it. Email your address to us and we will send a free set of scrapers (Model # 582).
WIN A LEMCO POWER BALL. Win ten sets of scrapers and a Lemco T-Shirt. Pick one power ball number from one to 50 (pretty good odds) and include it in your email. Five different numbers are winners (real good odds).
The next time you cut-in an amp, take a look at your wrenches. Are they 9-inches long, weigh 8-ounces and work on 1-inch connectors? Probably not, but wouldn't it be nice? It is nice and your Lemco dealer has them. We are going to include wrench literature with your free scapers.
This offer is limited to the first 100 responents.