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Re:Say what you want to say, spread rumors and believe what you like.......

Mr. Pickerl,,
I would like to take this time to tell you what I feel about your postings.
This site was not made for whiners and cry babies such as yourself.
This is the first negative posting I have ever done. But for you to slam a company Like Daniel Utility and then to keep them on your address header is a damn shame. Daniel Utility is a good company. Please remove your Email info from the bar.
You have stated that you are retiring,,,,Please do and go away.
This site is dedicated to the working CATV pro. You have retired, Please Leave!!!!!!!
We do not care about your BS on WetCement,dont bring it here.
My name is Murray Williams and my email is
(-REDACTED-) for all replies
Thanks and have a great day

>This site was not made to soread lies, Rumors and slander people. I'm sure it was made for positive influence on the CATV / Broadband industry.
>Those of you that wish to continue this little game are the type of people that will destroy good, honest people and sites like this one!
>I myself have told my side of the situation. I have defended myself against people that I do not need to defend myself against. Your opinions & rumors do not matter.
>I will no longer be part of creating a bad influence on this site!
>If you so chose to continue this game here that is your choice.
>I welcome those of you that wish to continue slamming, bashing, roasting me. To email me directly if you like.
>Or call me long distance.
>To those of you that have had to listen to this garbage that have had nothing to do with it, I appologize for any disruption I may have caused.
>I am done with it here.
>I've stated the FACTS!
>Have a great one!
>Mark A. Pickrell (501) 330-1962

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