i started in cable in 1988 and immediately was warned about what happens to those who are "blackballed". what they were referring to is the fact that in this business, alot of people know alot of people. so dont burn bridges is what i got out of it. you probably wont see any formal paperwork on this sort of thing b/c it is illegal. its a small world and if your gig is f*cking people over, you'll get it back, plain and simple. otherwise dont worry,be happy, and concentrate on the work and the fun!
>I am on a cruisade to eliminate these lists and bring those using the BlackBall list too Justice!
>I am like a Bulldog on this! I will not stop until the "Dawg" is dead! So to speak!
>It's bad for the CATV Brotherhood and it's bad for the industry!
>Have a great day!
This is CABL.com posting #46411. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mmeJ