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Re:SA 750!

SA says that the interstage pads/eqs are factory set to ensure operational gain of the station and should not be changed unless specified by system design. They are debating placing them beneath inner module cover so few would bother changing them. They are typically 0-1.5 pad and 7.5 eq. (5 pad...9 eq for underground) and 0-2 pad with a 10.5 eq. on amps.
The other three pads you mentioned are rev. input pads. Little variance (in value) of these pads is important so ask a supervisor or someone involved in testing to give you a set value to use system wide. They figure this value by subtracting the level received at the headend from the level you are injecting (lets say 39...19 for design amp + 20 for loss) at an amp (or avg. of many test locale). This value represents the value of rev. inputs needed...
Hope that helps somewhat...

>I have heard dozens of "opinions" on how to set up SA II 750 gear. The people who really know are sweep techs here on CABL. Even SA tech support gives different answers.
>The question: On the LE's at the forward EQ there is a pad. At the reverse EQ there is a pad. Is the other pad slot an interstage pad or a forward input pad? Same on the Amps, what is the pad at each leg?
>Trial and error always gives a decent rough balance but splicers would like to set it up properly. Trouble is no one to tell us.
This is posting #39844. Tiny Link:
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