I got mine last week. works great, thanks.
>We still have 62 FREE 'Strippers.' You still have time !
>>FREE??? Yes, it's free for the asking.....a $14.77 value. Hmmm, pretty good price.
>>The tool strips all four sizes: 59, 6, 7 & 11 in all configurations. With an optional cartridge it also strips twisted pair. WOW!
>>Your free drop cable stripper is easy to get and here is how you get it. Do not reply on this list. Go to Lemco's website www.lemco-tool.com. Find our stripper, identify the Model Number and write it down. Now, don't get excited. You're not dealing with Regis Philbin here. However, you can 'phone a friend' and tell him about the free offer. Don't waste time looking at the other cool stuff, because you're not finished yet. Come back later!
>>Within the Lemco website you will find our email address. Send a message requesting your free Drop Cable Stripper. Remember to include the MODEL NUMBER or your request will be denied, but then you have two more lifelines. Remember to include your address.
>>The offer is limited to the first (100) respondents. So get off your ladder and get to it.
>>Bookmark (add to Favorites) our website for future reference.
Re:FREE 'Stripper'
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