Just something to use if working in Alaska. We did pole audits for Alaska Power & Telephone for 3 years. Keep in mind some areas you can only work say 5 months of a year. Depending on the type of work you are doing, such will you be alone or working with a crew. We worked 2 person field crews due to the animals for safety.
We also, which was a great idea, had in our contract we get paid 40 hours of the hourly rate we were using regardless of work done, because if the rain or snow sets in on you - you cannot go anywhere. When we did the poles on Prince of Wales Island, we had to get there by float plane. Some areas have converted semi trailers for apartments. We never had an incident with animals but it is because they heard us. Weird thing is if your working near a Salmon run, the Bears smell really bad due to all the raw fish they eat. You cannot see them in the woods - but you can smell them. Just my opinion of working up there.
Re: Alaska
Member #: 199
Registered: 1996-2001
Chris Kramer
Chris Kramer
Spectrum Planning, Inc.
VP of Operations
St. Charles MO.
~40 years
This is CABL.com posting #392401. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mbOfd
Posted in reply to: Alaska by Tann
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