Re:12 dollars and 50cents wont even pay for the gas to get to the addresses.
Member #: 8354
Registered: 1996-2001
Larry Stephenson
Larry Stephenson
Cablecare Electronics & Construction
>I hope to God that you were Smart enough to realize that at that price YOU are gonna be one busy fella cause you are gonna be burying them ALL by yourself!! What the hell are people thinking? I guess that's what ya get for not knowin what the hell your doing!!!
>You must be a total retard. If you think someone will bury your drops for 12.50. I can't find anyone at 20.00 and me pay the motel and furnish machine.
>>>We just scored a drop bury contract.
>>>Anyone intrested in 12.50 per bury drop me a mail.
Looking for Bart with Hoosiere Cable. Anyone have a good phone number?
This is posting #39231. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re:12 dollars and 50cents wont even pay for the gas to get to the addresses. by cablemn86
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