I have been involved with this at a prior job. In Florida on most relocate jobs it is required to remove all old phone cable not to abandon in place. Boss bid it for just over $1/ft. and he got to keep all the copper phone lines removed. Told him he was crazy. I was wrong,the scrap price alone added up to an unbelievable amount of money and the footage was a kicker. FYI--this was large pair phone cables not some rinky dink. As far as removal the way we did it was with a vibratory track plow but really anything with some power would work(trencher,truck,etc.). Hook cable to plow and go out 40' - 50' from plow and dig down to cable with mini ex. and cut cable. Pull out with plow. If it pulls out easily then increase distance, if hard shorten your distance. Worked out well for us.
Re: Has any body wrecked out underground
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