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Re:Question for all you Cable "Lawyers"

Laws vary state to state, municipality etc.

I have found that common sense is critical. Sadly it's not always available. I had an idiot claim I cracked his driveway, when the crack was 35' away from where my truck was parked, and a direct result from pouring around a radious.

Never forget also the MSO will sell you out at the drop of a hat.

As to your rights to not be attacked or handled. No one short of a peace officer has a right to touch you (and even he doesn't have such a right unless you give him one by not following his duly authorized directions).

Never get mouthy with a sub. Be a professional at all times.
You might find that if you knock on the door, speak to the customer professionally, matter of factly, and more or less inform them that you are going to be driving to the pole. Depending on where you are working, most will simply assume you have a right to just drive on back.

But if you break something, ya own it. Be careful, and good luck.

>1. May I Legally drive my bucket truck through someone’s back yard (not creating any damage) as long as I stay in the utility easement? I'm also assuming that even though it is aerial plant that the ground is also considered to still be part of the utility easement. Also, how many feet to either side of the lines do I have?
>2. Is there any protection that we have as utility workers from violence from citizens, physical & or verbal?
>Please all you cock strong gaff any pole in the world dawgs save your bucket baby comments.
>Thanks in advance for the help guys.............
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