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Re:Question for all you Cable "Lawyers"

Your best bet is to talk to the home owner. Utility easements in any given town vary. I've seen morons drive T40's into an easement that they had no business doing, and upset septic fields that they didn't have a clue of screwing up. NEVER, NEVER allow a truck to go into an unsuspecting situation without approval from their supervisor. If they do, that individual and/or their company is liable for the damage. That damage may come several months after the fact. In other words, never do it.

>1. May I Legally drive my bucket truck through someone’s back yard (not creating any damage) as long as I stay in the utility easement? I'm also assuming that even though it is aerial plant that the ground is also considered to still be part of the utility easement. Also, how many feet to either side of the lines do I have?
>2. Is there any protection that we have as utility workers from violence from citizens, physical & or verbal?
>Please all you cock strong gaff any pole in the world dawgs save your bucket baby comments.
>Thanks in advance for the help guys.............
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