Back in 1990 I supervised Electric Company crews builiding a fiber line along the Aqua Duct from Colorado River into LA. starting at Parker Dam off Black Mountain Arizona. We would start at 5:00am getting trucks and equipment loaded up, by time we hit the job site, light would be breaking with full sun. We usually knocked off at 2:00 heading back to Whs. Around 7 PM I would walk out/ride the next day run, around 9 PM it would be in mid 70s and feel cold as compared to the day high of 103-105 degree. Great Project, I was pushing to get done, put in alot of off duty hours in my walk outs, but My Company was getting paid $1000/Day from electric company and kept telling me to slow down, but with this high heat, I just wanted to get the hell out of their.
Mother Nature is just clearing out Mother Earth....Only the Strong Will Survive! MicroMan