Expectations vary depending on the Scope of Work. Sometimes you will just collect makeready data, sometimes pole loading data, sometimes both. You might use a measuring stick (old school) or you might use a software based application that uses a camera and phone/computer, there are several applications. Some jobs are a 2 man crew, others are solo depending on collection methods. I will give you a list of things that I have measured when collecting pole loading/makeready data; height of top of pole, pole attachments heights & size of conductor (sometimes every attachment, sometimes just bottom power and all communication lines), bottom of transformer, size of transformer (kVW), bottom of street light mounts, street light wire loop bottom, top of risers, riser wire loops bottom, power service drops (size & direction), communication service drops (size and direction), guy wire size, height, lead and direction, pole size and class (if brand is visible, if not, then measure the pole circumstance at ground level, distance between poles, mid-span heights (sometimes just bottom wire, sometime bottom power & top communication wires), Vertical ground, (size and condition), GPS coordinates, and other defects (line detachment, broken pole, broken lash wire, etc).
As for what you can expect to get paid, it depends a lot of what you have to collect and how you collect it. It also depends if you are an employee with a company vehicle, tools and with expenses paid or if you are a contractor paying for expenses, vehicles, tools of the trade, insurance, phone, etc.
Hope this helps.
Re: Pole data collection by the Construction crew.
Member #: 44560
Registered: 2/21/2006
Tony Gauer
South Dakota
~45 years
This is CABL.com posting #387025. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mbMQv
Posted in reply to: Re: Pole data collection by the Construction crew. by Fiber007
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