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Re: BigDuck Returns

Thanks Mark after a few years out of the industry and over 40 in , you know it has to be in my Blood . I just grow tired of working on Boats and being in the same state for long peroids of time .When it reaches the point that the main reason that I buy the local paper is to see who else that I know has died , so you don't miss an important funeral. Chit gets old after a while . With working on peoples boats and watercraft , it like you married the damn things. If their's breaks down for any reason and is summer time and they got friends in town .They want theirs fixed then. It doesn't matter if your turning down new customers and your booked up 4 weeks out .They think the world revolves around them . If you stop and work on theirs it always piss's somebody off . Your dammed if you do and dammed if you don't . Chit just gets old. Makes you long to just have a set of prints in your hand in a town where no body knows you in another state some where. That thought is blissful and serine. I would have started back last year but when Biden stole the Election  , I was uncertain of what that might bring so I figured  I was better off staying home. I miss the highway and the people in the biz .I am still physically able so I just stopped taking in work. So I will be finished soon . Back in cable I will be. Hope lifes been treating you good. I can remember back when you first appeared here on the bar. Then you took that 99% easment job . Thats when you earned my respect.Darnned if that wasn't a few years back Now. Thanks for the shout out brother...BigDuck...??

Live Like Your Dieing , If You Can't Run with the BigDogs Stay on the Porch . Never Put Off Until Tomorrow What You Can Do Today .Tomorrow May Never Come.Be Honest That Will Earn You Respect . You Get Paid to do It Once not Twice .
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Re: BigDuck Returns skidmark167 12/9/2021 9:23:42 AM