I see it all the time....not only in this trade: First they hire experience help, then when they can't find enough experienced help, they start hiring off the street and paying new guys more than the experience folks they previously hired. I've an experience friend with years of work history who was hired to train the new guys...then they paid the new wanttabee more than him, so he quit. You woud think at this time, with so much work going on that .....the lazy, the late, the no driver licese, the alway on cell, the drunk, the druggy, the running to the bath room, the 1 1/2 hr lunch dudes, the wanted for sex warrants, the wanted for alimony back pay, the IRS seekers, all those we've all encounted in our work career..would be weeded out....but NOPE...their still out there on the sticks. Just be safe !!