No offense but you don't sound like you're ready yet. My best advice would be to give yourself a year to learn and understand how a business works and what it takes. $1500 a week won't get you too far. If you're contracting depending on a a lot of factors like insurance requirements, living costs, gas, loans.. even $3000 a week will probably be tough but again depends on your situation.
You might be better off working for a contractor piece rate so you can do some math and have an idea how much you need to make a week to keep you afloat + your profit. There are plenty of good companies out there where you could make $2000+ a week without any of the expenses. Just some food for thought
TSBCCC, just wanted to thank you for all the help and wisdom you have been sharing on this forum. You once replied to my similar post when I was just starting out a few years ago.