In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
1 John 4:10
Christ died for one reason—because of God’s hatred of sin and His deep love for us that He would make a way for the human race to be delivered from His judgment and to know His everlasting forgiveness. This is the amazing grace of God. How wonderful that Jesus purchased our redemption with His precious blood. Do not turn away from this blessed Savior.
Few ever ask why the world hates Christ and it’s hard to understand when Jesus proclaimed: “For God so loved the world” (John 3:16). He indeed loves the world, yet the world hates God. Many people do not believe this, but the Bible states it as fact. Many people reject the God who created them and gave them life. They do not want to even think about Him and so God gives them up to their own futile thoughts (Romans 1).
The Gospel of John records these staggering words from Jesus: “[The world] hated Me” (John 15:18). There can be no question that the Scriptures teach that the devil is the “god of this Age,” the present evil world system, and that the carnal mind is against God. Those who feed the flesh cannot please God. This is why God in Christ was despised and rejected by the world.
Strange that God should love those who hate Him. Yet He did, and He does.
This hatred of mankind toward God and God’s love toward the human race are fully displayed at the cross of Calvary, the glorious place where God reconciled the world to Himself and where Christ the Redeemer died that mankind might live.