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The one who does not love does not know God, because God is love.

1 John 4:8

Hatred abounds all over the world and often stems from jealousy. Satan’s hatred of God was due to jealousy. He wanted to be exulted instead of exulting the God of the ages.

At no time in history was hatred on display more than during the time of Jesus on earth. Herod hated Him because of fear that the Baby Jesus would someday become King. Herod caused the slaughter of infant children in and around the village of Bethlehem so that the prophecy would not come to pass.

Hate knows no bounds. It is in motion at every level. “Look out for Number One,” has become the motto of scores of people. To make good they kick anyone who threatens their way of life, no matter how dark.

We are living in a world that hates. We have even seen violence prompted by hatred within church buildings. Hatred is carried out against those who desire more than anything to preach the love of the Lord Jesus Christ and demonstrate compassion for those who suffer.

Hatred is a social cancer which gnaws at the vitals of our people. It threatens the freedom of worshiping Jesus Christ as witnessed on every continent. Hatred is rampant—a sign of the depravity of the human race. The Bible teaches hatred is sin.

The Bible also teaches that God is a God of love (1 John 4:8). Love is a basic part of God’s nature. Whoever we are, whatever our circumstances—God loves us and He is waiting for each person to come to Him in repentance of sin. Rejection of Christ is hatred of Him. The greatest answer for life is to say an eternal “Yes” to Christ and His offer of eternal life.

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