The heart is more deceitful than all else
And is desperately sick;
Who can understand it?
Jeremiah 17:9
Make no mistake – God has woven emotions into our inmost beings. We are not to take them for granted. However, they should not cloud your discernment and dictate your actions or your principles. In today’s American lingo, we often hear phrases like these thrown around:
Be true to yourself.
Go with your gut instinct.
Listen to your heart.
Do what feels right.
These phrases might sound inspirational, but do you notice something that each of these examples of phrases have in common? They are all man-centered; all about “you” and/or “me.” There is no mention of seeking the Lord’s opinion on life’s matters.
Be careful not to base your rationale on cultural clichés, such as those mentioned above. Instead, take God at His Word.