Couple things...Owning your own business is all about money. Make sure you have a system in place for budgeting purposes before you start on any project. No cash flow, no business. Go look through the forums and you’ll find great advice on how to budget. Establish business credit. Don’t ever take a quick cash advance loan against your receivables. If you need a loan go to the bank and get a proper term or line of credit. Primes are a coin flip. Some are good and some are bad. Be ready to walk away. Don’t stick around on a bad project cause they owe you money. Finish the work you were assigned and just move on and take legal action if necessary. Always take pictures and keep notes on everything you do until you’re paid for the service. Be fair and honest to your employees. All businesses go through some hardships. Most guys will keep working if you’re upfront with them and make it right in the end. As for aerial fiber, the cable companies prices have dropped and the scope has increased every year. Look into working for power utility companies. Their pulling a lot of fiber and the pay is in line with the work. I’ve personally had good success going that route. Good luck.
Re: Advice? Starting new aerial company
Member #: 91830
Registered: 2/27/2013
Peter A
Peter Antosiewicz
PJA Communications, Inc
New York
early 40s
~25 years
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