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Re:Question for supertechs...

Assuming alot..........Is it your last amp in cascade? Will you have enough input to hit the first chips window to perform optimally. (not to degrade the Carrier to Noise Ratio)
The HGD has a noise figure of 9 and the LE has a noise figure of 6 also on a 110 chann. NTSC system the HGD is rated with a Composite Triple Beat of 64, Composite Second Order of 61 and an XMOD of 67. While the LE is 65,63 and 63 respectively, so you can see that these amps are virtually Identical......Also keep in mind that the person that designed your system probably put the LE there because he needed two outputs if he needed more he would have placed a dual too. Most designers know nothing about real world cable.( and for all of thoes who do, my humblest apologies! ) In my opinion it would make no difference to exchange these amps...... Keep asking, these guys are a mountain of info. There are some very intelligent people on this forum.

>What would be the differences, if any, picture quality etc. if you replaced an existing location that has an LE and a DC with a low gain dual amp? Let's assume all parts are SA. Thanks in advance for your facts and opinions.

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