And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2
You act as though this world was created solely for your personal comfort & happiness. Every bit of pain, suffering, disease, death, & misery was brought on by you. God gave dominion this world to you knowing you would you hand it over to evil & you do nothing to lift up you fellow man or even try to help any underprivileged.
Now the lesson is accountability & responsibility. Only cowards refute & blame their actions on others. In your mind, to say this world is all there is provides your only way out of any judgement for your actions. I pray common sense & at least a bit of human decency prevails before your eternity.
There are no future angels walking this earth, never have been. But there are many saints. The difference? Angels lack the free will you & I have. Angels act out of total control. You & I do not. Angels have no choice. You do.
The Bible is very clear stating that the world will judge you by your actions. It also says that God will too. I do not know your heart. Satan does not know your heart. But God does.