IP Addresses mean nothing. Some of us are so good at what we do, the primes come to us with a choice of jobs. I've never starved for work, because I'm A REAL Engineer (BSEE/MSEE).
>Umm, watch your IP addresses guys, people might think that the some of the replies came from the same person at RCN.
>>myatt hancock is the owner of fiber tech, the worst company the world to work
>>for. he will shit you out of your money, lie to your face.
>>if you are doing work for person get out while you can.
>>He also has two pricks working for him,that help him take your money.
>> the first is troy hart this little cock sucker better hope
>>i never show up on the same job that he is on, life will begin
>>to get tough.
>> the second scum bag is joey who took over after hart left
>>new orleans. what these three idiots know about cable is how to
>>fuck somebody, god help you if i run into any one of you three
Re:fiber tech (aka) myatt hancock (scum)
Member #: 4367
Registered: 1996-2001
Terry L. Hurley
Terry L. Hurley
Terry L. Hurley Engineering
Project Engineering Manager (BSEE, MSEE)
~30 years
Terry L. Hurley Engineering, , Mobile
This is CABL.com posting #38078. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mj4k
Posted in reply to: Re:fiber tech (aka) myatt hancock (scum) by chasmo
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