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Re:all you jackasses crying about AT&T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My man, you obviously don't live in Georgia or Florida. Not only is the management horrible but the prices have been cut by 40% and they are not doing any new build. I do think those are some valid points and I know there are even more out there.

Suffering Sub!
>Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese....Head Case (AKA Meat tweaaker)the word you spell as "DEFINATELY" is actually spelled "definitely". That is all.......
>>Most DEFINATELY agreed on! I work inhouse TCI before AT&T then contracted for years for TCI then some with AT&T.
>>They have some bad points (But doesn't everyone) but mostly good ones!
>>I made a LOT of money on AT&T projects and believe that I was "One of" the only ones that gave a good product!
>>There are WAY too many cry babies out there! TOO many burnout druggies!
>>We are in the time of the "HIGHLY TECHNICAL" contractor!
>>The time of "winging it" is over people!
>>Get with the program!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>Ya youll come crawling back on your knees and you know it! you made lots of cash on thier projects, and your bitching about it, you are all a bunch of olr generation cable burnouts with no drive or motivation . grow up and move on to the next project!!!!!!!!
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