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Re:Looking for Glen Campbell

I think he died in plane crash....
>I worked with Glenn Campbell in tx. If it's the same dude he went by "YANK"? That was 15 years ago. I saw him a couple years later in Cape Cod, but lost contact since. Let me know if you here from him...e-mail me at (-REDACTED-)
>>>I heard he was a lineman for the county.
>>>>Anybody heard of, know of, or work with this guy lately? Last time I worked with him was in Gilette, Wyoming for Channel six years ago, he then went to So.,Tx.Little buddy says "Hey Fuzzy Nuts!"
>>Think he became a rhinestone cowboy after his stint for the county. Not sure though.
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Posted in reply to: Re:Looking for Glen Campbell by iggyspot
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Re:Looking for Glen Campbell Animal AKA Will 4/16/2001 7:58:00 AM