Re: Has anyone of the older experienced guys......
Member #: 107622
Registered: 10/17/2016
CastleRock DS
OSP Constructor/Engineer
early 60s
~45 years
been in the biz since 1980 and just this last week I was looking for future opportunities as I am always looking for something longterm. So they get around to asking how much I want to make and I tell them what I need to make and the first guy kinda choked and said he would have to get with his boss about that. So that one is a no go. Next call same deal however the guy actually said he may be able to work something out but I would have to pass a background and drug test. Been a long while since I indulged but my past is like most of the old timers....maybe a skeleton or two in the closet. Sure do want to treat a contractor like an employee. And I am a damn fielder so what kind of harm could I cause. Give me the work, qc me and then pay me on time. So many hoops to jump through for so little money. Last company I worked for payed me right on time every week and always kept me piled up with maps. Charge a fair price do not take a price just to have can go broke at your own house rather than at a Motel 6.
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Posted in reply to: Has anyone of the older experienced guys......... by skidmark167
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