You're being told Net Neutrality promises "free and open" internet by the same people who promisesed you "If you like your health plan you can keep your health plan."
Just think about that for a minute.
Now think about this, there was no Net Neutrality regulation for over 20 years and the internet did just fine. The Net Neutrality only came about in 2015.
When has a regulation ever made anything work better? Regulation like Net Neutrality only stifle competition and innovation.
Look at what happened when they deregulated the airlines. The same people who want Net Neutrality are the same ones who were screaming airline prices would go up. The exact opposite happened, prices went down, and new companies were formed. SouthWest, Frontier, JetBlue, just to name a few.
Net Neutrality has actually hurt the internet. Here's a hypothetical: Say ComCast makes a deal with Netflicks to offer customers Netflicks free if they use ComCast internet service. Under Net Neutrality they couldn't do that because Cox, Time Warner, and the other companies didn't or couldn't make the same deal.
As far as throttling data all ISP companies have been doing that for years especially during peak usage times.
Almost everyone hates their ISP, and nobody likes paying for their service. But the end of the regulation will not have ISP's jacking up prices, or slowing some services over others. If anything choice of services and providers should increase.
Net Neutrality
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