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Gary Croft sells anchor cranker & never delive

Gary Croft,

I know you are dodging me. I have found out you are still in business and where you are. High Speed is going to go low speed if I do not get my money for the anchor cranker back. Not a lot of money but it is the principle of your choices. Someone finally ratted on you so it is a felony to accept money across state lines for goods and not deliver. I am giving you one last chance to send the money and get this right or I will go to the DAs office with the evidence and proof. Shame you have sunk this low that you have to cheat people over the Cablbar. I will give you until the 15th afterwards I will procecute you to the fullest.
This is posting #372054. Tiny Link:
There are 4 replies to this message
Re: Gary Croft sells anchor cranker & never de LawlessUG 1/24/2018 11:38:18 PM
Re: Gary Croft sells anchor cranker & never de Broadband-Manage 7/5/2017 3:33:01 PM
Re: Gary Croft sells anchor cranker & never de wigglestick 1/30/2017 5:31:52 AM
Re: Gary Croft sells anchor cranker & never de tech,sweep 1/10/2017 8:21:12 PM