First of all, did you have permission to sell products to the MSO customer?
That is first and formost as a Contractor or subcontractor on a site regardless of what you are doing!
Having the "customers interest at heart" is NOT "first and formost" when it comes to "Contractors or Subcontractors" as far as the MSO is concerned. Due to the fact that "WE" as Contractors / Subcontractors" MUST always have permission or at least give the "MSO Management" a heads up BEFORE we start doing anything BEYOND our "Scope of Work"!!!!!
Because, if we do something as simple as sell a inhouse amp to a customer "which should be an option to the MSO" we also may sell other products to the customer, like transformers, outlet plates, extra outlets....etc.
Get my drift?
ALWAYS CYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>One day I was on a job with one of my employees. We were doing
>a Digital Upgrade in the area Approx. 6 month Project.
>We were the only Contractor/Prime. So we arrived at this
>customers house and we find that this house has maybe 14 cable outlets
>a pretty big house. And this guy was getting digital TV. So
>we get to checking his tv's and find all of them are full of static pictures.
>So I find that he has only 2 cable drops going to his home feeding
>14 outlets. Thats way too much on those 2 outlets. So my only solution
>was do another drop witch would need to be buried because that
>area is underground which he didnt want me digging in his yard.
>Or install Power Inserters in his house to Amp the signals to his
>TV's. I had my personal Power Inserter's. The Cable Company that we
>worked for was so small and not very Technical Smart on anything
>they didnt offer Power Inserter's. So I offerd the Customer one of my
>Power Inserter's and I explained to him that this was one of my Power Inseter's
>and he was OK with it and he said that he would pay for it.
>So I got it installed and everything worked perfect. So the next day
>The Cable Company went to QC our work and they found this Unidentifiable Object
>on the Cable and they freaked out wanting to know what we did and how did we
>get this thing and what ever else. So they were so upset that they said we were
>commiting Conflict Of Interest. To me I felt I was helping them I could've even helped
>them by telling them were to get Power Inserter's.
>Was I wrong?
>What did I do Wrong?
Re:Question for a Cable Vet.
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