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Re: is Google louisville shut down??????????????

we did some and the price for pulling fiber was fair . then the  bs started. Pictures of the valt / the screws holding the lid down/ the horse shoes holding the screws up/ lid pulled placement/ pipe in valt, gravel depth/sequentials in put, out put two inches from end of 4 inch pipe lenght/ tags ,in put ,out put, mid loop/ picture of tags label of the approach .the get away, the north west corner and traffic. next pictures of every thing reversed,  and don't miss lable pictures or miss pic and then go back , Then daily job safty sheet filled out  with all signature in more then one page. of all valts in and out and walk out whole job even part you can't do in two days with all employee, google safty team,google supervisors two or three always standing around { always  extra clean} all in brand new trucks with air running,  only get out to say You left a rut  fix it now ! Can't I fix It when I back out and fix all?
 now Now no  starting before 9:00 and be off the road by 4:00 all signs up . now no leaving reels on job. No leaving equiptment over night . Fill all bore holes cant cover with steel plates. 
no price for rod and rope / no price forpulling extra mule tape . DAMN WE wanted that job ,
This is posting #371092. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: is Google louisville shut down?????????????? by borethug
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: is Google louisville shut down?????????????? cre8jobs 9/21/2016 9:45:42 AM