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Re: COX back charge rate

Who has time for all that taking pics etc.  Really
It's all subjective and open to interpretation. 
Most of the work anymore isn't worth doing and you would be better off to pay them $50 and give it back  undone.
Its silly how far most will try to hang on to a dying trade.( I did before too.) But realize that if they are out to screw you that bad, or you work is that questionable then its a bad relationship.  That neither of you should be in.  If good work, and honest billing arent what they appreciate,and respect then BUMP EM.  If its only a game of humiliation and control so that they can justify their existence then BUMP EM.   I personally wouldnt want to play that game anymore.
Don't get me wrong I have made some good money in this business over the last 23+ years.  But I have lost alot money to mis management ( on my part as well as the "Bosses" part)  and usually the later and games of control.

All the games are expensive, and the money is too tight already to play them.
Good luck, God loves, and bless your heart.
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Posted in reply to: Re: COX back charge rate by cabledawg_2014
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