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Re: Carlbad new Mexico

Good Afternoon,

This is John Pearcy and I am the owner of Space Age Communications. In regards to the concerns that have been voiced here with Carlsbad, allow me to address the MDU projects below.

Space Age Communicatons, Inc. is the prime contractor for TDS in Carslbad and Hobbs, NM. TDS had a tremendous amount of MDU rewires to be completed that we coducted sight surveys on, submitted bids for, and were awarded these jobs. Being that we do full-time work for multiple MSOs in multiple markets, we had to acquire some new techs in order to have the man power necessary to complete these rewires safely, profesionally, and efficiently. In doing this, we took on a third-party subcontractor (who has advertised here on the CablBar for techs) to work under us on these rewires because it is temporary work. I did not want to hire a bunch of temporary techs to use for a few months and then just send them down the road at the end of the project. That is what I call using someone and I am not in the business of "using" people. When I hire a new employee, I hire them for the long haul and want them to be a part of our family. All of the technicians that work for Space Age are W2 Employees who I hope to keep for many years to come, not months.

If a tech is claiming that they were not paid, or not paid what they were owed, I can 100% assure each and every one of you that those people did not work for Space Age. I pay all of my employees every single Friday, without fail. If Friday is a holiday then you get paid on Thursday. If there is ever a question or discrepency about a paycheck, it is addressed immediately.

If there is a tech that has not been paid by a third-party subcontractor working under Space Age, I want to know about it ASAP. That is not, and will not be tolerated. That is not the way I do business and I WILL NOT have someone working under me that does not pay their techs what is owed to them and do so on time, every time.

I treat all of my techs fairly and do everything I can to take care of and help them out in any way I can. Without good quality techs, a cable contractor is nothing. Your people are number one and the biggest asset a company has and I always try my best to make sure that they and their families are taken good care of. Space Age has been in business since 1994 and we take pride on being professional and honest, while working safely and with integrity to deliver the best possible job to our customers that we can. We have a lot of techs that have been with us for 10+ years, and I hope to have them and others for another 10!

If someone does have problems that they would like to talk about, please contact me directly on my cell phone at 432-528-3754, or you can also call Stewart (Vice President) at 615-457-4383.


John S. Pearcy
This is posting #369970. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Carlbad new Mexico by jamz40
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: Carlbad new Mexico jamz40 5/17/2016 6:29:01 PM