I worked for them for 1 1/12 years , They have people in upper management who don't belong there. They micro manage projects from 1500 miles away and make schedule that are impossible to keep and then your ass is on the line because they've low balled the bid and you can't find contractors to work for those prices. Instead of letting projects managers, manage their own projects, they knit pick about paper work which takes you away from the project at hand.
I understand they've laid off about 40 employees, The COO has been on a witch hunt, this guy has the personality of a snake. Its a shame to because when i first started with them i had alot of movement to run the project. Then when Rick became COO things changed and the man could not understand why things arent black and white, well as we all know rebuilds aren't black and white ecspically when they don't budget for the varibles and can't understand why contractors won't do it for free , lol. Good luck to them, there where alot of good people there. I fear they're all gone.
Re: CCI tanking
Member #: 16809
Registered: 1996-2001
Mac Communications LLC
Central Pa
early 70s
~48 years
“The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it.Thomas Jefferson
This is CABL.com posting #368697. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mbH4T
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