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Re: Charter Line Techs

Man, people just like to fight don't they. Currently, you get 4 "floating holidays" a year, and for the first 5years you get 2 weeks of sick and vacation a year. You can roll over 80 hours  (I think)of vacation and all your sick time. After 5 years is jumps to 3 weeks of each and you can roll over 100 hours of vacation. We do run on call, 1 week at a time and there are some Monday to Friday day shifts but the yahoos running the show are really looking to move to 24x7 line tech coverage  I actually work 2nd shift, 4-1am.  Most areas contract out all replacements, and in my area they don't want us doing anything construction related, ie raising low cable, resplicing broken strand, pole transfers or anything. But they also don't make the service techs pull on call anymore so I end up getting the occasional "must do" trouble call if the customer says it is a medical issue where they need the phone. 
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Posted in reply to: Charter Line Techs by Buckethead44
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